News Hist Indonesia

Ahirnya Chicken Juga walau gak ada Kill.. hehe..Unik

Phobias You Won’t Believe Are Real & Examples of the Relationship Between Phones and Alcohol

Do you get anxious at parties, or freak out when people do the static trick where you rub a balloon on your head? Chances are you have globophobia.

A lot of people don’t enjoy rainy days, but to actually be afraid of rain? Probably more common in women for hair/make-up reasons!

Bit of an unfortunate phobia, seeing as we all have one. Kissing could be a bit uncomfortable!

Just think of all the things trypophobiacs have to rule out – doughnuts, swiss cheese, onion rings… can you tell I was hungry when I wrote this?

Recent studies are showing there actually seems to be an increasing number of women with the exact opposite reaction to beards… so if you’re a pognophobiac, chances are you’re the odd one out

This one’s more of an Internet joke than anything else, although there is a real place in the UK called Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. Big words can be intimidating, but to be physically afraid of them?!

This is becoming more common among young adults, as there’s been a surge in fitness and dietary awareness in recent years

Maybe because kneeling is a sign of submission? Or because people in cold climates are always covered up and are unfamiliar with the sight of bare knees, making them feel uneasy?

Examples of the Relationship Between Phones and Alcohol

The thing about this text exchange is that we learn of the level of class of these guys. What I mean is, they were drunk and in Walmart at the same time. Now I don’t know about you, but to me that is not acceptable

It is interesting that he chose to tell her he loved her after he told her he was drunk. It might have held less weight that way and yet she still tells him she loves him back. As for the rest of it – who knows??

This is quite literally animal abuse. Not only do phones and alcohol not mix but also animals. If you are drunk there is probably no reason to be anywhere near an animal. Unless you like horse racing. You might be able to get drunk enough to pretend that is an actual sport.

There’s only one man who has ever walked the planet who could possibly be considered too funk and that man’s initials are JB! As far as I know he never got so wasted as to be shrunk though. I don’t really get how that could happen

Now this is a reasonable mistake I guess. But one thing that concerns me is the same thing that concerned Donnie Darko’s mother in the movie of the same name; were did he go? As in, if the taxi came to get him and he got in, then where did he tell the cab driver he was going?

This perfectly exemplifies the reasons as to why you should not text whilst drinking. It makes no sense and by the sounds of things, this could be a make or break time in the relationship. No drunk texting.!

This is really good that this guy was caught instead of running over somebody and ruining everyone’s day, month, year, and lives. Although, if I was the cop I would have let him update his status to “I just got arrested and I’m a jerk”

This is heart-warming. We are granted only but a few moments such as this in our lives and the beauty of receiving this by text and not voice is that you will have it to remember whenever you feel down

This is totally acceptable and all above board. I mean, if you happen to encounter a midget at the same time as you have access to a mushroom then you would be doing the world a disservice by not doing it – drunk or not…

The interesting thing about this is that it is both sweet and deceptive at the same time. I mean, maybe he is just saying (in the only drunken way he knows how) that he wouldn’t cheat because she is the best. Yeah, that’s it.